Life & English
August, with its clouds of scented blooms,
August, with its great stacks of giant clouds
The next visit was Angkor Thom. Its center was Bayon temple. Angkor Thom meant “Great city”. It was built after Angkor Vat about hundred years and was the last capital of Angkor empire
Siem Riep located in the north Cambodia. It was a pretty and hospitable city. It seemed that all taxi drivers could speak English enough to welcome travellers and talked few stories about the city.
July is a special month because July has a special day for American - Fourth of July. It is Independence Day.
One evening as I left a McDonald’s fast food restaurant, I saw a young girl, 19 or 20 years old, she was kneeling and weeping between two roving fruit shops on sidewalk.
”The Story of Lotus Flower” is the name of the exhibition from 20 to 29 June 2014